Our Services

Moreton Bay Physio offer a vast range of services to suit your recovery needs.

Neck & Back Pain

Neck and back pain is one of the most common conditions seen in the health industry. 

Mitch offers an experienced assessment, diagnosis and management of spinal pathologies. Moreton Bay physio has a passion in rehabilitation and getting workers, athletes and post operative patients back to moving pain free.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

If you have had acute trauma in sport or from a workplace accident and have required surgery, Mitch has the experience to provide post operative rehabilitation.

Moreton Bay Physio has a great understanding and experience in getting athletes, workers and operative patients their life.

Clinic Exercises

Providing strength + conditioning, injury prevention, hydrotherapy and management programs. Mitch can coach you through your injury or provide you an injury prevention program. Each program is tailored to help you achieve your goals.

Vertigo Treatment

Vertigo is distressing and patients can’t often drive with symptoms. This is where the mobile service comes in. With further training in vestibular management, Mitch can often fix your vertigo in the first session. 

Get in contact with the team today so we can begin your assessment.

Knee Injuries

Further training and a keen interest in non operative knee management. Mitch has the skills to manage your knee WITHOUT surgery.

Working with your specialist and GP, using an evidence based Cross-bracing method, and an scientific intense rehab program, Mitch can give your ACL rupture the best chance of healing on it’s own. 

Shoulder & Elbow Pain

Managing your shoulder/elbow without the need for cortisone or unnecessary surgeries. Mitch has done additional training and is very skilled in management and  getting an accurate diagnosis of your shoulder injury. 

Mitch’s approach to management of Tennis or Golfers elbow is simple and effective.

Hip & Joint Pain

Managing tendon, joint, or muscle injuries with experience and additional training with Hip/Pelvis pathologies. 

This extends to management of the hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, glutes, pelvic floor, bursa and hip and pelvic joints. 

Physio treatment in Narangba

Ankle & Foot Pain

Mitch will assess and treat your deficits or pathology with the aim of getting you back to walking, running, and moving again pain free!

Utilising load management (very rarely will he take you out of your sport/activity), conditioning, tape techniques, modification to footwear and addressing range deficits. 

Headache Treatment

Cervicogenic headaches are commonly caused by neck pain that refers up into the head.  

Mitch will provide an initial assessment to attempt to diagnose the root cause of the issue. Next step will be coming up with a management plan, providing a hands on approach and exercises to help resolve your pain.

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